Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded of you."

The above from St. Matthew's Gospel (28:19-20), known as the Great Commission, clarifies the mission of the Catholic Church.

In support of this, the Purpose of the parish is to be a vehicle to enable our parishioners to fulfil their obligation to reach out to people, share with them the good news of God’s love and forgiveness, and in so doing bring them to a personal relationship with Jesus and ultimately to salvation.

It is the above that influenced the articulation of the parish Vision:

To be a unified, loving, faith-filled, vibrant community, rooted in Gospel values, which supports, nurtures and builds each person to enable them to fulfil their mission of serving God and humanity.

To give effect to our Purpose and Vision and to help our parishioners know, love and serve Jesus, the following have been identified as being of critical importance. They form the essence of parish life.

  • Celebrating the Liturgy
    Providing relevant and meaningful opportunity for sacramental devotion.
  • Knowing our Faith
    Promoting spiritual, personal and community growth and bringing people to maturity.
  • Creating the presence of meaningful community life
    Ensuring that people are accepted and feel valued, visible and included in the Church and parish.
  • Having a Missionary Commitment
    Moving parishioners from the pews to go out and meet those on the periphery and bring them home to the family of God.
  • Living a worthy life
    Encouraging and demonstrating commitment to the Gospel values and, in so doing, attracting people to what it is that we have – a personal relationship with Jesus.